Another Dry Week

I mentioned on my last post how my friend Jon had to cancel the creampie shoot he was going to do with me yesterday due to a business meeting that popped up. Well, Erik, who I was supposed to play with today, tore up his leg at soccer on the weekend and so we cancelled that one! If I was stuck he said he would come over, but I could tell he was hurting and really not in the mood. So no shoot today. Then last night, the guy who was supposed to come in from Toronto on Thursday to have some fun also cancelled! That’s my week gone…

Hopefully, everything is still a go with everyone next week!

But it’s not all bad. The cancellations are allowing me to get caught up on other things I am trying to get done for my website. I have a whole new look finally being done which I hope to release soon. And as soon as that is done, I will also get up the final mobile version of my site up. Right now, it is set-up for the iPhone, so if you have one check it out, but we are doing a mobile site that will work fully for almost every type and style of phone out there. It won’t be fancy looking, but will work, which I think is more important.

I’m also finishing up odds and ends on our home redecoration. Things are looking really good and we’ll be finished “Phase 1” by tomorrow.

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