Yet again!

Well, I spent 2 days e-mail Michel to confirm that he was coming over today. My first e-mail was Sunday morning, then I sent two more e-mails to him yesterday, and never received an answer. Just before midnight last night, I e-mailed him again to tell him that since he didn’t answer me I had to take it that he wasn’t coming over. He finally responded to me early today saying his Blackberry was out of service and he didn’t get my e-mails. He does use a Hotmail account which can be read on anything! He still wanted to come over and do the shoot with me, but by then it was just too late. It takes me a couple of hours to get ready for things like this, and I hate having to rush. I do tell everyone that I will be writing to confirm and that I do expect a timely response. I’m not trying to be Bitchy, I just want things to go smooth.

At least the guy I have coming over tomorrow has confirmed with me and is looking forward to the fun 🙂

But it won’t be a total waste this afternoon! I had talked to Johnny Pearl a couple of hours ago letting him know what happened. He told me he had a friend over at his place who had always wanted to fuck me, and that they’d come over if I wanted. So I did. They got here about 15 minutes ago, but I told them that I wanted to let you guys all know what was happening first. So, right now as I am sitting in front of my Mac writing this, I have two fully naked guys impatiently poking me with their cocks! Johnny’s friend has this gorgeous, almost 10 inch cock that is laying across my shoulder right now! 😉

Sorry, gotta go…

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