Guess What??

I was stood up yet again! Every guy who was supposed to shoot with me these past two weeks has either cancelled on me or just hasn’t shown up! (or didn’t see my confirmation e-mails)  The guy I had set up for earlier this afternoon even wrote me about how he couldn’t believe that people would stand me up and even called them ignorant. He said that it happened in his line of work too and that he would never just not show up! Well guess what?? He didn’t show up!

We have been e-mailing back and forth for the last month. A week ago he was telling me how excited he was and how he was also a bit nervous. I wrote him twice over the last couple of days to confirm, and never got a response. I hate that!

This is how I work all this. A guy will write me about getting together for one of my shoots. I’ll the correspond with him and work out a date and time that works for him as well as me. We’ll also discuss what he wants to do and try. It could be just a blow-job, or an anything-goes thing! Once everything is fully worked out, I let him know that I will be e-mailing him a full day in advance to confirm and that I need him to respond. Most of the guys have been great with all this.

The day of the shoot, I get the bed ready and then have a nice long shower so that I am fully clean for him. I fully shave to make sure my pussy is nice and smooth. I will also douche, and if we are going to have anal sex, have a enema to make sure I am clean everywhere. At the same time, my husband is setting up the lighting and the cameras, and getting everything else ready. This does take time out of our day, and does really waste our time when the guy doesn’t show!

Okay, my rant is now over 😉

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