This week

I’ll be quite busy this week! I am trying to get the new look of my website finished. This is for the public area, and while the look won’t really be changing all that much, the way I am displaying the new content will. I am trying to streamline everything and make it more exciting. We (well, Danny) has had to redo all the new content to fit in with the new look, and that is taking time. I will let you all know when it’s done.

Carol Cox enjoying a Double PenetrationI have only one new shoot planned for this week. I did have some tentatively planned for both Tuesday and Wednesday, but the guys canceled on me. They weren’t fully set-up, but I was hoping that at least one would be able to make it. The shoot on Thursday is with a new guy but I may be getting Johnny to join us for a Double-Penetration. I’ve never shot one in High Definition, and the close ups should be fun! I also haven’t shot a DP in quite a while. I’ll probably just start one-on-one with the new guy to get him comfortable, and then after some sucking and fucking, bring Johnny in.

I may also be meeting up with a new young BoyToy on Thursday evening. He’s a cute 21 year old I met a couple of weeks ago at the bar who is definately “sponge-worthy” 😉

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