I Had To Cancel

I was supposed to do a shoot with a new guy today from Upstate new york, but I e-mailed him early this morning and cancelled it. The roads were just terrible and I didn’t want him driving all this way on such icy roads. I know he was still willing to make the trip, but I wasn’t comfortable with it, and would have worried, so we had to reschedule it.

I’m also not going to do any more shoots until after Christmas. I really don’t have the time! I had to e-mail and cancel a few other guys, one for Thursday and two for next week, and I did apologize to them. It’s just that I am swamped with so much stuff to do and just no time, and the shoots do take quite a few hours out of my day. But starting the week of January 4th, I’ll be going full steam ahead and doing all sorts of fun stuff with whoever wants to come out and play. I’m also hoping to have my new webcam set up by then, so I’ll be streaming some of the shoots live from my home.

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