A Note on the XRV.com Website

People have noticed that the XRV.com website is coming back with a “403 – Forbidden” page. That is because we are changing xrv.com to sexserver.com and the server guys made a mess of the move! There was supposed to be a new page at xrv.com telling you about the move and the new website with a link to it, but sadly, that isn’t working yet. Also, if you go to sexserver.com, you’ll see an atrocious looking page taht isn’t working, that’s because it got broken in the move!

The guys are working on it, and I am heading to bed, with the hopes that everything will be working properly again in the morning.

Everything is 2 steps forward, and 3 steps back! I think I should just go and become an escort! I can have sex, make money, and not have to worry about technology!! 😉

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