Don’t Expect Much…

…from me over the next week or so. It’s “Back To School” time, so I am really tied up with getting the boy ready for school! I still have to do work on my websites, and the website is taking up a lot of time, but I still have to get all the school shopping done too. All that together keeps me away from the fun! πŸ™

The good thing about school starting is I will finally have my days free and all to myself! Hours with no one around to do whatever I like. And I plan to get my pussy abused…a lot…by the many different Boys. You see, the older I get, the hornier I get, and all I want is a nice cock deep in my pussy, and finishing off in my mouth. Just another couple of weeks, and I’ll be free to get nasty again πŸ˜‰

But back to the boring stuff…all I’m doing is driving around for clothes and school supply shopping, hair cuts, and more. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all the same. Just drive, drive drive. I’ve been back to Montreal, Ottawa earlier today, Cornwall tomorrow, and I think I have to go back to Montreal on Friday! Both tedious and time-consuming. Hopefully I can get a good fuck in on Friday night πŸ˜‰

Okay, now I have to do laundry which is all backed up!!! Yes, I lead such an exciting, glamorous life πŸ˜‰