Just Cancelled On Again!

So, the guy who wanted to fill in for the other guy today just cancelled on me! He was supposed to be here at 1:00pm, well, at 12:58 I get an e-mail from him that says, “I’m terribly sorry Carol, I really thought I would be able to do it, but I guess I’ve also gotten cold feet.” Why bother if you don’t think you can do it. We spent the past 2 hours setting up and getting everything ready…for nothing! That is 2 hours that I could’ve been working on something else. And on top of that, I had someone else who I know would show up say he was available for me today. I turned him down, with thanks of course, for this guy!

I also just heard from the guy who was supposed to be here tomorrow and guess what?? He cancelled too! What is going on? Why is this happening? I’ve always had guys no-show or cancel before, but NEVER to this degree! 2 full months of cancels and no-shows. That’s just not right.