It Has Been A Different Week

This was a slow, yet bitchy, week for me. First off, it’s March Break up here for the schools, so my son was home all week from school. That meant I couldn’t shoot anything for my website, or have any fun with anyone! How depressing. On top of that, my washing machine died on me right in the middle of a load, and of course, the warranty ended less than 2 months ago! I called my repair guy, and he’s on holidays until Monday! I actually had to go to a laundromat yesterday for the first time in 20 years!

At least that’s now all over with, and the weekend is finally here! We’ll be heading over to the bar this evening to meet up with a big bunch of wild people who are all coming back to my place for a birthday party for a girlfriend of mine. It will be crazy, and I know we’ll be partying late into the night (or late into the morning!).  So, we’ll only be at the bar until 8:30 or 9:00, and then on to the party!

Depending on how late things go tonight, and how I feel tomorrow, the tenative plan for Saturday night is to head over to one of the “Sex Saunas” and just let loose. I’ll know better tomorrow afternoon though 🙂