Able to post again

I have a new hard-drive installed, and we cleaned up the other one so now I have lots of room. I was a bit stuck the last week or so as I had no room to upload anything new! I found that out by trying to upload some pictures to my Blog, and things went crazy. But it is all good now and I can get silly again 😉

I’ve been busy with a few things…one being the new free website I am trying to get set up that deals with “Semi Public Sex”.  There are still a few things to tweak in, and then the real work of adding all the information starts. Of course, most of it involves groups that you, the members, will run. Members can add their own groups that deal with anything they want them to, and the groups come with its own forum, picture galleries, and more.

As I mentioned, the website will be fully free and more like a community site than anything else. I do want to get as many of you as possible in there right now to try things out and see if they break. So when you get a chance, please go to and register. It’s really quick and easy as I stripped out most of the registration profile stuff. Didn’t need much as this isn’t a dating site but a fucking site! 😀